Syria:Poor crop prospects reflect the impact of conflict and drought conditions
Vulnerable families at risk amid expected severe cereal crop reduction in 2014
©FAO/Roberto Faidutti
15 May 2014, Rome- Drought conditions combined with continued conflict are adding pressure to an already dire food security situation in the Syrian Arab Republic. The raising prospect of severe reductions in cereal crop production in key areas, would mean increased food import needs and higher prices for 2014, according to FAO’s latest food security outlook for Syria.

Monika Tothova is an Economist with FAO in Rome. In the following interview she explains the crop projections for the coming year and what this means in terms of pricing, production and trade within the country. (Interview conducted by Sandra Ferrari)
4min. 41sec.
Topic(s): Agriculture & crops, Emergencies/Crises, Food production & stocks, Food Security, Hunger & food insecurity
Produced by: Sandra Ferrari
Reference: 10518