The President of Bolivia attends the G77-led Dialogue on Nutrition
30 October 2014, Rome--- The numbers on malnutrition are startling. Today, two billion people suffer from one or more micronutrient deficiencies. Over one billion are overweight. Twenty six percent of the world's children under five are stunted due to poor diet. Why? What approaches are being successfully used to tackle the problem? What more needs to be done? The G77 ‘Dialogue on Nutrition’ is organized as part of a series, ahead of the International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2).

FAO Director-General, José Graziano da Silva. (in Spanish)
5min. 20sec.

H.E. Evo Morales Ayma, Current Chair of the Group of 77 and President of the Plurinational State of Bolivia. (in Spanish)
40min. 19sec.

H. E. Amira Daoud Hassan Gornass, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Sudan (00:00); H. E. Carla Elisa Mucavi, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Mozambique (11:32); H.E. Tehmina Janjua, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Pakistan (22:06); Q and A session (38:08)
79min. 34sec.
Topic(s): Agriculture & crops, Food Security, Hunger & food insecurity, Nutrition
Produced by: FAO
Reference: 10810