Vegetarianism: a trend or a need?
©FAO/Jane Hahn
11 April 2016--- In the contemporary western world more and more people are becoming vegetarians and trying to live a healthy life. It is becoming a trend, a lifestyle. On the other hand, the rest of the world (mainly in third world and developing countries) is living in hunger and trying to survive with what they can produce in poor conditions. This is a discussion on vegetarianism, veganism and the importance of pulses for protein intake. How to properly balance the nutrients in a vegetarian diet? What are the consequences from this lifestyle to the people and to the environment?

Radio Kanal 103, Macedonia (in Macedonian).
12min. 58sec.
Topic(s): Agriculture & crops, Food production & stocks, Food Security, Rural or agricultural development
Produced by: AMARC-FAO
Reference: 11667