World Day to Combat Desertification: "Protect Earth, Restore Land, Engage People"
©FAO/Giulio Napolitano
17 June 2016, Rome--- An event to celebrate the World Day to Combat Desertification was held today at FAO headquarters under the theme "Protect Earth, Restore Land, Engage People". The celebration called for urgent action to reverse land degradation and achieve land degradation neutral world in the context of sustainable development.

Welcome statement by Maria Helena Semedo, Deputy Director-General, FAO.
06min. 36sec.

Keynote statements by (00:00)Braulio Dias, Executive Secretary of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, CBD; (08:16)Manuel Amante da Rosa, Ambassador, the Republic of Cabo Verde; (22:39) Markus Repnik, Managing Director of the Global Mechanism of the UNCCD.
30min. 37sec.

Discussion: Joint action on common goals; final remarks and closure of the meeting.
56min. 28sec.
Topic(s): Biodiversity, Climate change, Desertification, Environment/Natural resources
Produced by: FAO
Reference: 11768