Launch of the Global Report on Food Crises 2018
©FAO/Alessandra Benedetti
22 March 2018, Rome--- The Global Report on Food Crises 2018 has been launched today at FAO headquarters, in Rome, with the participation of the Executive Secretary, Permanent Interstate Committee for drought control in the Sahel (CILSS); Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, European Union (EU); Director-General, FAO; Executive Secretary, Intergovernmental Authority for Development (IGAD); and Executive Director, WFP.

On this occasion, an opportunity for an update on the latest situation in the Sahel region, focusing on the impact of crises on the lives and livelihoods of pastoralists, was also provided.

Presentation of the main findings of the Global Report – Luca Russo, FAO and Arif Husain, WFP.
15min. 33sec.

Video message by Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary-General.
00min. 41sec.

Statement by José Graziano da Silva, FAO Director-General.
10min. 45sec.

Statements by (00:00)Neven Mimica, European Union Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development; (11:44)Thomas Duffy, Charges d’Affaires, US Mission to the UN Agencies in Rome; (19:25)Djimé Adoum, CILSS Executive Secretary (in English and French); (25:48)Guleid A. Artan, Director, IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (on behalf of IGAD Executive Secretary); (32:59)Shenggen Fan, IFPRI Director-General (video message); (35:51)David Beasley, WFP Executive Director; and (47:47)Update on the situation in the Sahel.
115min. 19sec.
Topic(s): Agriculture & crops, Emergencies/Crises, Food production & stocks, Food Security, Hunger & food insecurity, Resilience, Rural or agricultural development, SDGs, Zero Hunger
Produced by: Muriel Sarr, FAO
Reference: 12362