TZH 44 - Is fish the new fashion?
Fish fashion
Lake Turkana is the largest desert salt lake in the world. Situated in Kenya’s northernmost region, the remote lake is rich in biodiversity and is a lifeline for the isolated communities whose economic opportunities there are few and far between. But a local entrepreneur, has come up with novel idea to turn fish skins that would otherwise be discarded – into profit. This Blue Growth initiative is being supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

Presenters: Charlotta Lomas, Anais Hotin. Producers: Anais Hotin, Charlotta Lomas, Annie Ho.
5min. 42sec.
Topic(s): Fisheries & aquaculture, Hunger & food insecurity, Resilience
Produced by: Charlotta Lomas, FAO
Reference: 12516