Agricultural cooperatives-key to feeding the world AMARC joins FAO in celebrating World
Rome 02 November 2012-The commemoration of World Food Day 2012, has also been marked by the engagement of FAO international partners, such as AMARC. 5 FAO-AMARC co-productions,Jamaica, Nepal, Burkina Faso, Perú,and Kenya, have been realized,to promote cooperatives crucial role in reducing food insecurity and poverty worldwide.

John Preissing, representante de la FAO en Perú, nos comente sobre los retos que tenemos para reducir los niveles del hambre en Perú; una tarea que ya está siendo asumida por algunas organizaciones como las cooperativas agrícolas. (Spanish)
14min. 40sec.

Lutte contre la faim-Burkina Faso
22min. 4sec.

The role of cooperatives in hunger and poverty eradication, in Kenya.
13min. 20sec.

Food security, sustainable development and the relevance of communities coming together and working together for common good, in Jamaica. Entrevues with Mary McLaughlin, Raymond Martin and Wordsworth Gordon.
15min. 0sec.
Topic(s): Food Security
Produced by: FAO
Reference: 9424