World Food Day Ceremony:Climate is changing food and agriculture must too
©FAOAlesandra Benedetti
14 October 2016, Rome--- World Food Day is fast approaching with festivities kicking off around the globe this coming week to promote awareness for this year’s theme: Climate Change. The international day falls on the 16th of October and is spearheaded by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization. FAO is calling on countries to address food and agriculture in their climate action plans and is promoting greater investment in rural development. According to the organization, the World’s Climate is changing and food and agriculture must too.

Opening address by José Graziano da Silva, FAO Director-General, at the World Food Day Official Ceremony.
12min. 19sec.

Addresses by keynote speakers - (00:00)His Excellency Matteo Renzi, President of the Council of Ministers of Italy (in Italian); (20:19)Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Hasnaa of Morocco (in Arabic); (29:37)His Excellency Macharia Kamau, United Nations Special Envoy on El Niño and Climate; (38:21)Special message on food security from His Holiness Pope Francis, read by Monsignor Fernando Chica Arellano, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to FAO (in Spanish).
52min. 55sec.

Statements by (00:00) Kanayo F. Nwanze, IFAD President, and (07:49) Ertharin Cousin, WFP Executive Director.
21min. 26sec.

Alexandre Meybeck, a Senior Officer with FAO, elaborates more on the link between food security and climate change. (Interview conducted by Sandra Ferrari)
4min. 10sec.
Sujet(s): Agriculture & cultures, Biodiversité, Changement climatique, Développement rural ou agricole, Interview, Journée mondiale de l'alimentation, Nutrition, Production & stocks alimentaires, Réunion, Sécurité alimentaire
Produit par: FAO
Référence: 11922