Food: are we what we eat?
©FAO/Sean Gallagher
30 November 2016--- There are lots of debates about the food recently. Everybody has its own lifestyle and habits of eating. Somebody is starving, trying to survive and somebody has in abundance, throwing lots of eatable food. We raise a question: where our food is coming from? Is it healthy? Is our soil clean? Should we treat the animals like we do just to fulfill our gastronomical wishes? If we again stand behind the Ludwig Feuerbach’s famous quote “We are what we eat”, than we can ask ourselves: Who we are today?

Radio Kanal 103, Macedonia (in local language: Macedonian)
15min. 44sec.
Sujet(s): Agriculture & cultures, Nutrition, Production & stocks alimentaires, Sécurité alimentaire
Produit par: AMARC-FAO
Référence: 11987