Alarm as lethal plague kills endangered Mongolian antelope
©FAO/Sean Gallagher
27 January 2017, Rome/Paris--- A devastating livestock disease known as Peste des petits ruminants – or PPR for short- has been identified as the reason for a mass die-off of a rare Mongolian antelope. Approximately 900 of these antelopes have been found dead in Mongolia’s western Khovd province. This number represents almost 10 percent of that sub-species’ population. PPR has been known to affect mostly sheep and goats, however this latest outbreak is raising concerns among experts about the evolution of this lethal viral disease.

Dr. Juan Lubroth, Chief Veterinary Officer with the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization in Rome, elaborates more on this issue. (Interview conducted by Sandra Ferrari)
3min. 05sec.
Sujet(s): Animaux & élevage, Ravageurs & maladies, Situations d’urgence/Crises
Produit par: FAO
Référence: 12031