La guerra delle arance
©FAO/Gent Skhullaku
14 February 2017--- Calabria. Gioia Tauro plain. One of the great alluvial plains of southern Italy. 243 square kilometers of centenaries olive trees and orange groves, the gardens, as they call them over there. A quarter of the Italian production of Clementines, mandarins and oranges, comes from this plain. Over the past 10 years, Rosarno and Gioia Tauro plain in general, are facing a great citrus trade crisis. The prices fell down and many companies closed. At the same time thousand of foreign workers arrived in the area searching for jobs in the agricultural sector.

ECHIS radio agency, Italy. (in Italian)
13min. 46sec.
Sujet(s): Agriculture & cultures, Prix des denrées alimentaires, Production & stocks alimentaires
Produit par: AMARC-FAO
Référence: 12050