FAO CONFERENCE 40TH SESSION - Side Event: Fall Army Worm
Fall Army Worm is a well‐ known pest in South America that has recently spread to Africa. It first appeared in West Africa in January 2016 and by early this year it attacked Maize crops in southern Africa. It has now spread to East Africa and is expected to have an impact on their coming harvests. Ghana has declared a state of emergency. The worm is spreading rapidly across Africa and has the potential to spread beyond Africa to Asia. As with climate change, it is difficult to predict with any certainty how the pest will spread. The aim of this side Event is to raise awareness of the pest among Agriculture ministers and others attending the FAO Conference. This event was sponsored by South Africa, the United Kingdom and Zimbabwe.

Mr. Bukar Tijani, FAO Assistant Director-General/Regional Representative for Africa spoke of the effects of this issue in the region. [Except of Event]
12min. 36sec.
Sujet(s): Conférence-Conseil
Produit par: FAO
Référence: 12156