Women empowerment & food security in South Sudan
The milk bar of Rumbek
Tanya Birkbeck
February 2018 - Rumbek is a small city in Central South Sudan. The city is regularly the scene of violent clashes between armed groups and is trying to regain some sense of normality by meeting basic food needs. Achieving such a goal implies to launch innovative initiatives. The milk bar is one of them.Launched a year ago and supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the FAO, the bar ensures a fair income to over dozen of people while providing good quality milk to the local population.

And there's one thing which distinguishes it from others: it has an all-female staff! A key aspect that has strongly contributed to improve food security at the local level. Greg Delaney has more
5min. 19sec.
Sujet(s): Développement rural ou agricole, Faim & insécurité alimentaire, Femmes et genre, Sécurité alimentaire, Sécurité des aliments & protection des consommateurs, Zero Hunger
Produit par: Anais Hotin/ Co-produced by Tanya Birkbeck and Lieke Visser/ Sound:Eric Deleu
Référence: 12310