Fighting hunger: $ 1.06 billion needed to help communities in 26 countries
8 February 2018, Rome - With conflict and climate-related shocks sending global hunger numbers marching back up after declining for decades, FAO is asking for $ 1.06 billion to save lives and livelihoods and address acute hunger in 26 countries.

With donor support, FAO is hoping to reach 30 million people who rely on agriculture for their livelihoods via a range of interventions that seek to rapidly restore local food production and enhance nutrition. These include, for example, providing seeds, tools and other materials for crop farming, safeguarding livestock through lifesaving veterinary care, organizing trainings in improved production, processing, and land and water management, and giving at-need families cash so they can immediately access food.

Dominique Burgeon, Director of FAO's Emergency and Rehabilitation Division and FAO's Strategic Programme Leader on Resilience, elaborates more on FAO’s 2018 humanitarian appeal. Interview conducted by Murielle Sarr
01min. 46sec.
Sujet(s): Agriculture & cultures, Biodiversité, Changement climatique, Contributions des donateurs & associations, Développement rural ou agricole, Production & stocks alimentaires, Resilience, Sécurité alimentaire, SDGs, Situations d’urgence/Crises
Produit par: FAO
Référence: 12311