Facing world market
11 April, 2005 --The Committee on Commodity Problems (CCP) opened its 65th session at the headquarters of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization amid concern over low producer prices for many of the world's major agricultural commodities, such as coffee, sugar, meat, oils and cotton. (FAO Photo-left to right: J. Diouf, P.M. Ondo Bile)

At a parallel special meeting on Regional Programmes for Food Security, FAO Director-General Jacques Diouf highlighted that a common element to all regional programmes for food security is to address issues of conditions for market access. A major condition being how to meet international standards, legislations and regulations as Mr. Jacques Diouf explained:
2min. 9sec.

The Chairman of this one-day special meeting was Don Pastor Micha Ondo Bile, Minister of External Relations, International Cooperation and Francophonie , Equatorial Guinea. He proposed some improvements to the regional programmes on food security (in Spanish only):
1min. 19sec.
Sujet(s): Directeur général, Sécurité alimentaire
Produit par: Liliane Kambirigi
Référence: 8073