"e-Agriculture Week" at FAO (21-28 September 2007 - Rome, Italy)
"e-Agriculture", that is part of follow-up actions to the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), is an emerging field comprising the enhancement of agriculture and rural development through improved information exchange, communication and learning processes, based on the use of internet and other digital technologies by actors in agriculture locally, regionally and worldwide.(Web2 Photo: A. Mangstl)

The week of meetings and activities started with a Web 2.0 Conference and will coincide with the launching of the e-Agriculture Community of Expertise.In the following interview, Mr Anton Mangstl, Director, Knowledge Exchange and capacity Building Division (FAO) talks about an "e-Revolution that can make reform and changes happen in FAO" ...starting with a Director's blog?
2min. 15sec.
Sujet(s): Sommet mondial de l'alimentation
Produit par: L. Kambirigi
Référence: 8751