5 June 2008, Rome - FAO Summit (cont'd)
Briefings and press conferences at FAO Summit

Briefing on the outcome of Roundtable 4 (Bioenergy and Food Security), by an FAO economist and close collaborator of Alexander Mueller, FAO Assistant Director- General, Ms Astrid Agostini
20min. 0sec.

Josette Sheeran (Photo), Executive-Director, World Food Programme
20min. 0sec.

Results of the Civil Society Forum: Antonio Onorati, global focal point for the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty. With others on the podium (Iran, Brazil, Canada, Sri Lanka)
20min. 0sec.

Briefing on the outcome of the CSO/NGO Forum Peter Kenmore, Chief Plant Protection Service, together with ROPPA (West Africa) and other NGO/CSO representatives
20min. 0sec.
Sujet(s): Sommet mondial de l'alimentation
Produit par: FAO
Référence: 9336