The second Report on the State of World’s Animal Genetic Resources
Beate Scherf, FAO Animal Production Officer and co-author of the report, talks about the importance of livestock diversity for rural livelihoods. The biggest threat to animal genetic resources is the uncontrolled introduction - especially in developing countries - of exotic species, considered more profitable, but more risky in terms of resistance to climate conditions and diseases. The study finds that governments are increasingly recognizing the importance of sustainably using and developing the genetic resources embodied in livestock and in the interview, Beate Scherf brings the example of the Yakution cattle, able to live at minus 60 degrees Celsius.
Référence: FITW0071
3min. 35sec.
Langue: Anglais
Sujet(s): Animaux & élevage, Changement climatique, Diversité phyto/zoogénétique, Interview, Sécurité alimentaire