FAO’s Matthew Camilleri, on the Port States Measures Agreement
FAO Fishery Liaison Officer Matthew Camilleri elaborates on the Port States Measures Agreement. He reiterates how Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing undermines the effective conservation of living marine resources and the sustainable management of fisheries globally. IUU fishing has a substantial impact on the global fisheries economy, it is a threat to the livelihoods of fishers and other fishery-sector stakeholders, and exacerbates poverty and food insecurity. It is widely recognised that the implementation of the 2009 FAO Agreement on Port State Measures, in conjunction with the use of monitoring, control and surveillance tools and catch documentation schemes, is expected
Référence: F0141
3min. 03sec.
Langue: Anglais
Sujet(s): Pêches & aquaculture