I Love Beans Cabo Verde
I Love Feijão aims at encouraging people in Cabo Verde to consume dried beans, a super food from the legume family with a great value for the health and the environmental sustainability. In Cabo Verde we mainly find Congo Beans, Pedra Beans, Sapatinha Beans, Bongolon Beans and Faba Beans. The main benefits of the beans are: For Food Security: -Suitable for marginal environments, -Affordable source of proteins and minerals, -Low impact on food waste. For Human Health: -Reinforce a diversified diet, -Fight poor nutrition, -Ensure continuous energy supply. For Nutrition: -Rich in food fibers, -Low in fats, -Source of calcium,
Reference: F0193/en
5min. 32sec.
Language(s): English, French, Portuguese
Topic(s): Biodiversity, Environment/Natural resources, Food production & stocks, Food Security, Nutrition, SDGs