World Food Day 2018: Video message by FAO Director-General
OUR ACTIONS ARE OUR FUTURE After a period of decline, world hunger is on the rise again. Today, over 815 million people are suffering chronic undernourishment, according to the latest FAO report. Conflict, extreme weather events linked to climate change, economic slowdown and rapidly increasingoverweight and obesity levels are reversing progress made in the fight against hunger and malnutrition. Now is the time to get back on track. The world can achieve Zero Hunger if we join forces across nations, continents, sectors and professions, and act on evidence.
Reference: F0201/en
2min. 21sec.
Language(s): Arabic, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Chinese (Simplified)
Topic(s): Agriculture & crops, Climate change, Director-General, Food safety & consumer protection, Food Security, Hunger & food insecurity, World Food Day