FAO in Nigeria

FAO graduates second batch of Farmer Field School experts in northeast Nigeria

In total, FAO has now trained 51 agricultural experts in the FFS approach in northeast Nigeria

In July and August 2018, an additional 26 experts across the three northeastern states of Adamawa, Borno and Yobe were trained in FAO’s landmark programme for boosting pro-poor and participatory agricultural extension support worldwide.

Following the training of an initial batch of 25 agricultural officers from government agricultural agencies and non-governmental organizations and the establishment of Farmer Field School (FFS) community groups, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) graduated its second batch of FFS facilitators on 18 August, 2018 in Maiduguri, Borno. The three week long intensive workshop equipped experts supporting conflict-affected farmers in the northeast with the skills to set up and run at least two farmer field schools per facilitator.

In total, FAO has now trained 51 agricultural experts in the FFS approach in northeast Nigeria.

FFSs are an interactive and participatory ‘learning by doing’ approach involving groups of 20-25 farmers, pastoralists or fisher folk and a trained facilitator. Group members experiment with best practices while discussing challenges and solutions to agriculture-related issues in their own local context. FFSs are usually comprised of resource-poor participants who typically face limited access to education, information, extension (for e.g. farming and pastoral advice) services, market access and financial capital.

FAO Representative in Nigeria, Suffyan Koroma shared that the FFSs are another entry point for FAO to support the most at-risk farming households in the northeast. The UN agency plans to install, with regional partners, at least 100 of these schools in 2018.

“Smallholder farmers face huge hurdles in managing increasingly complex agro-ecosystems. Through FFSs, farmers will learn how to create sustainable solutions to farming and pastoral issues,” said Koroma. The Representative also shared that FAO’s work in the northeast goes far beyond the provision of livelihood-saving agro-inputs like seed and fertilizer. “FAO works closely with farmers to ensure that inputs they receive are being properly utilized, that they are employing the most effective techniques in the management of their crops and animals. And that generally, farming households have the best conditions to boost their resilience.”

FAO’s ongoing rainy season programme delivered seed and fertiliser to about 100 000 households as of July. Crop and livestock production is expected to rise with the increased access to farming lands in newly accessible areas in the region. However, access to land remains a key issue as numerous communities are restricted to only small parcels of land for production and cannot use traditional growing and grazing areas due to lingering security risks. In northeastern Nigeria, farmers often rely on sharecropping (planting on land belonging to others in exchange for a portion of harvests) or rent less than one hectare of land for subsistence agriculture.

According to June 2018 Displacement Tracking Matrix, about 1,549,630 million people have been returned to their original communities in northeastern Nigeria. Returnees, host communities and internally displaced people require urgent support to resume their livelihoods, 80 percent of which is estimated to be agriculture-based.

FAO is urgently appealing for about USD 18 million to meet the needs of agro-based households in the northeast.


Key facts

-FFS improved the skills of over 4 million farmers, pastoralists and fisher folks globally

-FFS today are being implemented in over 90 countries

-FFS have evolved to address a range of topics: from sustainable production systems to agro pastoralism, value chains, nutrition and life skills

-FFS activities are anchored in non-formal adult education approaches, enabling learning through direct experience, integrating scientific insights into local knowledge systems.

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Contact Person

Patrina Pink Communication and Reporting Officer FAO Maiduguri Sub-Office Borno State, Nigeria E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.fao.org