FAO in Nigeria

FG – FAO commit to a new Country Programming Framework 2023 – 2027

The FAO Representative Fred Kafeero (left) and the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Dr. Mohammad M. Abubakar signing the CPF

Abuja - The Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) have formally signed a 5-year Country Programming Framework (CPF), to enhance the existing cooperation and contribute to agri-food system transformation in the country.

The ceremony, which was held at the conference room of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD) Abuja on the 3rd May 2023, had the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr Mohammad Mahmood Abubakar sign on behalf of the FGN while the FAO Representative in Nigeria and to the Economic Community of West African States Fred Kafeero signed on behalf of FAO.

The occasion officially signifies the beginning of the implementation of deliberate and prioritized support to the government of Nigeria for the development of agriculture and sustainable management of natural resources, enhanced food security and nutrition, and climate change mitigation and adaptation in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework and Nigeria’s Nations Development Plan. The priorities are anchored on the FAO global strategy to achieve its mandate encapsulated by the four (4) betters – Better production, Better Nutrition, Better environment and Better life, so as to leave no one behind.

Dr Abubakar, before signing the document, commended the commitment of FAO in rendering support to the government of Nigeria over the years, called on stakeholders to urgently invest in agriculture and develop strong action plans to address climate change, food losses and institutional weaknesses if the sector must be transformed.

The FAO CPF, is in harmony with national strategies and policies to provide the enabling environment for sustainable investment in agriculture towards making agriculture the main stay of the national economy. “This will aggressively drive the economic diversification programmes and transform food systems to ensure sufficient food in the country as well as export for foreign earnings”, Dr. Abubakar stated.

Earlier, Mr. Kafeero said that the purpose of the CPF is to respond to the country’s priorities and address commitments to be collectively articulated through programmes and projects that speak to the country’s needs and tackle related challenges. These are achieved through the adoption of policies and technologies that come with the implementation of such programmes.

“The CPF also takes full advantage of FAO corporate initiatives which Nigeria has signed into, including the Hand in Hand, Digital Villages and Green Cities Initiatives to mobilize additional resources for effective and timely implementation of the CPF. To this end, a results framework is set to ensure focused programming and an estimate of resource requirements is also provided to guide mobilization of funds for the implementation of programmes”, Kafeero said.

In his welcome remarks, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry Dr. Ernest Umakhihe said based on the current priorities of the current CPF, they provide the bases for strengthened collaboration and partnership between the government of Nigeria and FAO. The rationale for which “stems from the national commitment to attaining sustainable food and nutrition security as well as repositioning agriculture as a vehicle for economic growth”.

In recognition of the efforts of the government to create an enabling environment for enhanced agriculture productivity for national food security and nutrition, the FAO Nigeria CPF 2023 – 2027 has set four priority areas to leverage its knowledge, resources, and expertise.

They are: “Sustainable and inclusive agri-food systems for improved productivity”, which seeks to  Strengthen inclusive, climate-smart agrifood value chains and diversified production systems as well as inclusive economic development through decent jobs; the second pillar is “Increasing resilience of food and agriculture – based livelihood systems”, which seeks to strengthen capacities at national, subnational, local government and community levels for anticipatory action, disaster risk management, , and resilience building in agricultural based livelihoods.

Also, the third is Healthy and Nutritious Diets which seeks to support enhanced food security and improved nutrition, including promoting nutritious food and increasing access to healthy diets, while the fourth pillar focuses on Sustainable Natural Resource And Climate Management which seeks to support improved Sustainable natural resource management and climate action.


David Tsokar                                                                                           Uloma MezieOsuocha

Communication Specialist                                                                        Communication for Development

David [email protected]                                                                              [email protected]

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