FAO in Nigeria

New FAO ECTAD team Lead Muhinda visits Chief Veterinary Officer of Nigeria

Dr Vakuru and Dr. Mohinda exchange warm pleasantries and handshakes during the visit.

Abuja - On Thursday 18 May 2023, the new Country Team Lead (CTL) of the FAO Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (FAO-ECTAD) Dr Otto Vianney Muhinda led other colleagues on a courtesy call to the Chief Veterinary Officer of Nigeria (CVON) Dr Columba Teru Vakuru in his office, to felicitate with him and further strengthen collaborations for enhanced support to the government of Nigeria, particularly in the animal health sector.

The visit which was the first time the CTL was meeting the CVON since arriving the country late last month, provided the opportunity to familiarize and formally introduce himself to the CVON, who doubles as the Director, Federal Department of Veterinary and Pest Control Services in the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD).

In his remarks Dr Muhinda said the aim of the visit beside familiarization is to reinforce the existing partnership with the department, particularly to firm-up interventions in the areas of zoonotic diseases surveillance, biosafety and biosecurity, Antimicrobial Resistance, National Laboratories, Workforce development, the control of Transboundary Animal Diseases (TADs) and others.

In his response the CVON appreciated the team and paid special tributes to the contributions of the FAO ECTAD to the enhancement of capacities among veterinarians in the country. He said the department would be fully involved in every activity or event that the two parties would organise to strengthen veterinary services in the country.

Dr Vakuru and Dr Muhinda agreed to join forces to cascade on-going activities in the animal sector to the grassroots, through inclusive collaborations with the Community Animal Health Workers (CAHWs), Veterinary Paraprofessionals (VPP), Extension workers and sundry practitioners for enhanced impact.

The CVON received the CTL and his team in company of the Deputy Director heading the Planning unit of the Department, Dr Adamu Y. Dakogi.