FAO Liaison Office for North America

World Bank Fragility Forum: Building resilient agri-food systems in fragile contexts - What can we learn from an HDP and climate nexus perspective?

Hybrid Event, 01/03/2024

FAO is pleased to invite you to the hybrid event on "Building resilient agri-food systems in fragile contexts: what can we learn from an HDP and climate nexus perspective?", organized at the World Bank Fragility Forum 2024.

The session will engage partners in a discussion on 1) Building resilience to reduce hunger: how focusing on agri-food systems can help vulnerable households and communities, especially in fragile contexts such as Somalia and Afghanistan; and 2) Data for action: how evidence and data support adaptive learning and improve coordination in food security crises, linking short-term aid with long-term investments.


Azeb Fissha Mekonnen, Senior Agriculture Specialist, World Bank

John Ulimwengu, Senior Research Fellow at International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Greg Puley, Head of Climate Team, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

Nishant Das, Executive Committee Member and acting Chief of Party Somalia, World Vision 

Moderated by: 

Fleur Wouterse (PhD), Deputy Director Policy and Practice, FAO Office of Emergencies and Resilience 


When: Friday, March 1, 2024: 1-2pm

Where: World Bank

Main Complex (MC) building, Room MC 7-100

1818 H ST, NW | Washington, DC

To attend in-person, register HERE

To attend virtually, register HERE