FAO Liaison Office for North America



29 May 2018, Washington, DC - FAO North America and EcoAgriculture Partners co-hosted the second High-level Speaker Series entitled, Towards Sustainable Landscapes Investing: Creative strategies to reor...


24 May 2018, Washington, DC - The inaugural World Bee Day was celebrated on May 20th, with an official ceremony taking place in Slovenia, to draw public attention towards the importance of preserving bees and other p...


Biodiversity signifies the variety of plant and animal life in the world. It includes genetic, species and ecosystem variety. When there is a rich diversity of species, habitats and genetics, ecosystems are healthier, more productive and can better adapt to challenges like climate change...


“It’s a bee!” someone screams as they jump up from their picnic blanket, knocking over their apple juice and flailing their arms, trying to get away from this flying creature. Does this scene sound familiar?