FAO Liaison Office for North America

#BiodiversityChat on #BiodiversityDay (May 22)


The world’s biodiversity is facing threats from multiple fronts. Forests – home to 80 percent of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity – are under serious risk from deforestation, forest degradation and climate change. Bees and other pollinators, which are critical to pollinating three quarters of the foods we consume, face the triple threat of losing their habitat, diseases and exposure to pesticides. 

Safeguarding natural resources and biodiversity is critical to people’s health and planetary wealth. In support of the 2020 International #BiodiversityDay theme, “Our solutions are in nature,” FAO North America will host a Twitter chat on May 22, to gather diverse voices and solutions to protect the world’s declining biodiversity.

Here are the details!

Time & date: Friday, 22 May from 10 AM EDT/ 4 PM CEST

Format: 1 hour twitter chat with the following questions published from @FAONorthAmerica with #BiodiversityChat. 


  1. What is biodiversity, and why does it matter to us?
  2. What are the biggest threats facing biodiversity?
  3. How can we protect biodiversity?
  4. What role do indigenous communities play as stewards of biodiversity?
  5. Why is biodiversity loss a threat to our #FutureofFood?
  6. How can we promote biodiversity through the foods we eat?

Post your answers using the hashtag #BiodiversityChat.

We look forward to having you join the #BiodiversityChat on Friday, May 22 from at 10 AM EDT!

For resources on biodiversity, visit www.fao.org/biodiversity

See highlights from the #BiodiversityChat