FAO Liaison Office for North America

Canadian Perspectives on the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World

29 January 2019, Ottawa, ON - FAO North America in partnership with the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) co-organized a high-level technical discussion highlighting Canadian perspectives on the key findings of the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) 2018 report at the Royal Canadian Geographical Society in Ottawa. The event was very well-attended and well-received by a large audience of senior representatives from the Government of Canada, civil society, academia and research institutions, philanthropic foundations, multilateral organizations, and the private sector.  Vimlendra Sharan, Director of FAO’s Liaison Office for North America delivered keynote remarks, in which he presented the key findings of The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World Report. The event also featured high-level remarks from Ms. Dominique Charron, Vice President of Programs and Partnerships at the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), followed by a roundtable discussion moderated by Mr. Santiago Alba Corral, Interim Director of Agriculture and Environment at IDRC, featuring: 
  • Tom Pesek, Senior Liaison Officer at FAOLOW;
  • Paul Hagerman, Director of Public Policy at the Canadian Foodgrains Bank;
  • Virginie Levasseur, Director, Consulting Services and Innovation and the Society for International Development;
  • Annie Wesley, Senior Program Specialist, Agriculture and Food Security at IDRC;
  • Audia Barnett, Representative, IICA Delegation in Canada;
  • Jean-Charles Le Vallee, Associate Director, Food Horizons Canada; and
  • Sophia Huyer, Gender and Social Inclusion Research Leader at the CGIAR Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security Programme.
The event served as a forum for highlighting Canadian perspectives on the key themes addressed in the SOFI 2018, particularly the intersection of climate, conflict and agriculture. Participants also emphasized the critical importance of promoting gender equality, and the empowerment of women and youth. Numerous speakers called upon governments, international organizations and civil society to help mitigate these negative impacts, while empowering and building resilience among those affected by climate change and natural disasters.