FAO Liaison Office for North America

Join us and Food Tank for the 2020 World Food Day Twitter Chat #WFDChat


Join the 2020 World Food Day Twitter #WFDChat

Grow, Nourish, Sustain. Together.

Friday, October 16, 2020

10 – 11 AM EDT/ 16-17 CEST


The COVID-19 global health crisis has been a time to reflect on things we truly cherish and our most basic needs. These uncertain times have made many of us rekindle our appreciation for a thing that some take for granted and many go without - food.

World Food Day is calling for global solidarity to help all populations, and especially the most vulnerable, recover from the crisis, and to make food systems more resilient and robust so they can withstand increasing volatility and climate shocks, deliver affordable and sustainable healthy diets for all, and decent livelihoods for food system workers.

Join FAO North America and Food Tank for the 2020 World Food Day #WFDChat on 16 October 2020 from 10-11 AM EDT to discuss how we can build back better and ensure access to healthy diets for all.

Host: @FAONorthAmerica and @FoodTank
Hashtag: #WFDChat #WorldFoodDay #FAO75

During the hour-long Twitter chat, @FAONorthAmerica will post the following questions in 8-minute intervals.


1) What weaknesses within our #foodsystem has the #COVID19 pandemic exposed?

2) Who are your #FoodHeroes and how can we better recognize and support them?  

3) What can governments do to support sustainable food systems, farmers, and workers along the food supply chain?

4) How can the private sector make food systems more sustainable and healthy diets more affordable and available?

5) What is your ask to the global community for the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit?

6) What can we all do to contribute to more equitable, healthy and sustainable #FoodSystems?

7) How does choosing a healthy and diverse diet help the environment and biodiversity?

8) How are you commemorating #WorldFoodDay this year?

All answers should include #WFChat, and if there is room #WorldFoodDay. 

Join the conversation and share your insights and solutions!