FAO Liaison Office for North America

What we've heard: Reducing Food Loss and Waste in North America #FLWChat


To rethink the ways in which we produce and handle our food, and to highlight actions and solutions to reduce food loss and waste, FAO North America and the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) hosted a twitter chat on the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste on September 29, 2020.

The #FLWChat reached over 5 million Twitter users. Below is a selection of tweets and answers, which can be also found in this Twitter moment. We thank all participants for their insights and participating in the chat. Let's continue to work together to reduce food loss and waste. For the people and for the planet!

Question 1: Why should everyone care about food loss and waste?

  • Food loss & waste is a global challenge w/ global consequences. We have a responsibility to be critical about the food we waste because our actions can make a difference. When we care, we can address hunger, protect the environment, & even save money! #FLWChat - @CECweb
  • Between now and 2050, the global population is expected to grow to 9.2b, demanding a 60% increase in food. Today, one third of all food goes to waste, while 821m people suffer chronic hunger. Preventing #foodwaste means food goes further in feeding us all. #FLWChat #FLWDay - @WRAP_UK
  • It´s true, it´s our responsibility... but we also gain so much from actually doing something about it. Caring makes perfect economic, social and environmental sense. #FLWChat - @armaster21
  • When we waste food, we waste all of the water, land, ag chemicals, energy, labor, and money that go into producing, processing, transporting, and preparing our food. #FLWDay #FLWChat That's why we need to prevent food waste - @amspacht

Question 2: What are the social, environmental, and economic impacts of food loss and waste?

  • When food is lost/wasted, all of the environmental inputs & the work put into producing it are wasted too. This reality translates to many different challenges including, big economic losses & enviro. damage. It also does nothing to address hunger in NA communities. #FLWChat - @CECweb
  • In North America, our food waste contributes to 193 million tons of #GHGs, the same as driving 41 million cars continuously for a whole year. For today’s #FLWDay, we encourage everyone to learn about actions you can take to reduce food waste: http://cec.org/flwy/ #FLWChat - @UNEP_NAmerica
  • #Foodwaste & loss produces more GHG emissions than global aviation. It costs the global economy $750 billion (same as Switzerland GDP) and it means one third of all food is never eaten. Our CEO @MarcusGover explains why this must stop https://youtu.be/TWffAkuLfUs  #FLWChat #FLWDay - @WRAP_UK
  • Plus our food system is responsible for massive biodiversity loss, the destruction of our remaining pristine habitats and GHG emissions from land use #FLWchat #FLWday - @clairekneller


Question 3: What are some of the key factors and drivers behind high levels of food loss and waste?

  • We can find key drivers of FLW across the entire spectrum of North American life. From a lack of consumer awareness to an industry belief that taking action involves costs - there are reasons found everywhere. We must all be critical of how & when we participate. #FLWChat - @CECweb
  • #FLWChat | Food loss and food waste can occur throughout all the food chain. It is important to detect the parts where the problem is acute and, based on evidence, make decisions. - @PrimeTraining
  • Challenges are systemic. Pulling a lever to affect 1 part of the supply chain will have knock on effects. E.g. increasing agricultural productivity should take into account what markets are available for the products. @yieldwise has done some amazing work on this #FLWchat - @clairekneller
  • Don't forget household #foodwaste too. We buy too much & don't eat what we buy (in the West & urban centres), there are lots of behaviours behind this (e.g. not knowing how to use leftovers) but these are the main factors #FLWchat #FLWday - @clairekneller 

Question 4: Are there initiatives in your neighborhood, organization, or school encouraging the reduction of #foodwaste?

  • It might take a little bit of digging, but there are most likely some initiatives happening in your community, city, or country. In N.A, there are FLW programs in CA, US, & MX that working toward educating and reducing waste! #FLWChat - Two great examples are @sdfoodsys & the @CdeAbastoCDMX – both are working within their communities to cultivate more sustainable food systems in their regions! #flwchat - @CECweb
  • Food rescue and donations amongst neighbors is a common practice in some areas in Montreal: Répertoire des frigos communautaires du Québec - Sauve ta bouffe sauvetabouffe.org - @AndugarAm
  • The Danish “Stop Wasting Food Movement” initiated the fight against #foodloss and #waste in Denmark resulting in a large number of successful projects and achievements in collaboration with industry, organisations and government! @SelinaJuul #FLWChat #FLWDay - @FOOD_AGRItcdk
  • There are efforts lead by different sectors, read more about current efforts in the state of Yucatan (Mexico) Yo Cuido Yucatán. Yucatán Cero Residuos es una estrategia que fomenta el manejo integral de los residuos propiciando la reducción de su impacto en el ambiente y encaminando al estado hacia una sociedad que produzca...sds.yucatan.gob.mx - @geofarrill

Question 5: How can public sector programs & investments accelerate actions to reduce food loss and waste?

  • It is important the public sector gets involved in supporting businesses, organizations, and industry in reducing FLW because this is not simply a consumer issue. The public sector can create opportunities that can engage all society to take action. #FLWChat - @CECweb
  • 14% of the world's food is lost between harvest & retail @FAO. Supporting smallholder farmers with tech. investments can give access to equipment that helps reduce loss & prevent waste through better practices in: Ag production; Packaging & storage; Transport - @SDG2AdvocacyHub
  • Knowledge is still limited on where exactly #food is lost or wasted in supply chains – more research and data is required for effective interventions! - @paulnewnham
  • Public sector can be instrumental in helping create and share knowledge and in linking actors together creating opportunities for joint action. Economic instruments, like fiscal incentives, can also be used in programs to reduce FLW across the supply chain. Win-win for all. #FLWChat - @armaster21

Question 6: What innovative business models & private sector initiatives have been successful in reducing food loss and waste?

  • Shout out to @ToksMx, a 100% Mexican restaurant chain with more than 200 restaurants throughout the country that is changing the dine-in experience to reduce food waste. Take a look at the changes they're making here https://bit.ly/2S3NIIm - @CECweb
  • We also want to highlight @bruizedco, a company in Toronto that works with local farmers to save “imperfect” food from turning into waste. Learn more about their unique approach to inspiring change here https://t.co/ueXQWFVWDN?amp=1 - @CECweb
  • Chefs globally have powerful platforms to teach & inspire to reduce FL&W in kitchens. They engage through #ChefsManifesto to value natural resources & reduce waste Try to: Make carrot top pesto; Pickle fruit peels; Reuse coffee grinds - @paulnewnham
  • Consider the possibilities through http://goForager.com and particularly their national gleaning program. Changing the way we source local food. Forager is building the largest local food network by simplifying the local food sourcing process - from procurement to payment. - @EconofGoodness
  • Check out the Produce Rescue Center at the @MCFoodBankTX helping more people have access to fresh produce. - @scientistchick

Question 7: How can we all play our part in reducing our food waste footprint?

  • We must remember that change comes through education & action but it doesn’t happen overnight. As we learn more about how FLW affects our lives, we should start taking effective action where we can with the knowledge we have & keep learning and acting from there. #FLWChat - @CECweb
  • If we want to change the world, we have to change our behaviour! Small actions can lead to big outcomes: a) Shop smart & only buy what you need, b) Don't turn away imperfect fruit&veg, c) Use your freezer. Share knowledge with people around you #FLWChat #FLWDay #GoodFood4All - @SDG2AdvocacyHub  
  • We can all play a role in reducing our collective #foodwaste footprint, by:a) Redistributing #foodwaste from supermarkets, b) Recycling #foodwaste into innovative products, and c) Re-using #foodwaste as compost to grow more. #FLWChat #FLWDay - @GNReport
  • Governments - ACT NOW - prioritize #foodwaste, write it into your NDCs, bring departments together to act on it Businesses - join a voluntary agreement (or lobby for one in your country) Y'all - turn your fridge down, use up your leftovers #FLWChat #FLWDay - @clairekneller