FAO Liaison Office for North America

With funding from USAID, FAO trains animal health professionals in applied veterinary field epidemiology in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Training of 15 veterinarians professionals with the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock in the Democratic Republic of Congo



The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), through its Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Disease Control (ECTAD), in collaboration with the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, is launching today the fourth cohort of the training program for veterinary professionals in field epidemiology (ISAVET), to be held from March 11 to April 05, 2024.

As part of the Global Health Security (GHS) Program, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), FAO is implementing six major actions, including training in veterinary epidemiology, to effectively prevent, detect and respond to transboundary animal diseases, emerging infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance. The main objective is to strengthen national capacities to ensure the country's health and economic security.

The ISAVET program aims to develop the skills of veterinary professionals in field epidemiology, enabling them to contribute actively to the prevention, early detection and response to priority diseases. The training will build the capacity of 15 veterinary professionals to detect, report and respond to zoonoses and specific animal diseases, including transboundary, endemic, emerging and re-emerging diseases, in concert with other health sectors, using the “One Health” approach.

For 4 weeks, ISAVET training will take place in three phases:

- Theoretical training (March 11 to 31, 2024): Participants will benefit from theoretical courses given by national and international trainers, covering different modules of the ISAVET program.

- Practical training (April 1 to 5, 2024): Trainees will have the opportunity to put their knowledge into practice during field activities, such as farm and abattoir inspections, sample collection, and simulated epidemiological investigations.

- Field internship (April to June 2024): Each trainee will complete a three-month internship in his or her locality of practice, under the supervision of mentors, to put into practice the skills acquired during training.

This ISAVET fourth edition was launched by the Secretary General for Fisheries and Livestock, Pascaline MBANGU, who was joined by the USAID Country Representative, Tom VAN BOVEN, and the FAO Deputy Representative in the DRC, Ibrahim Abdoul Nasser.

The FAO Deputy Representative, Ibrahim Abdoul Nasser, stated that “Since November 2020, a total of 54 veterinary professionals have benefited from this training through 3 cohorts, and all are spread across the 26 provinces of DRC”. 

Representative Tom VAN BOVEN noted that “USAID welcomes FAO's emphasis on the sustainability of the ISAVET program, which will certainly enable DRC to expand and continue this professional training of field veterinarians”.

For the Secretary General, Pascaline Mbangu, “Animal diseases and zoonoses are among the major constraints hampering the development of livestock farming in DRC. Setting up an effective surveillance and response system is a prerequisite for dealing with sanitary constraints and safeguarding the health of the population”.

ISAVET and national capacity building 

This initiative is of vital importance to DRC, strengthening its national capacities in animal health and food safety. By training a new cohort of veterinary professionals, the country is committed to effectively preventing animal epidemics and protecting public health. A total of 15 veterinary professionals are being trained.  ISAVET training aims to create a cohort of veterinary epidemiologists ready to respond to the challenges of animal health in DRC. This program will contribute to strengthening national capacities in the field of epidemiology, ensuring a safer and more resilient future for all.


Original story in French : Le programme de formation des professionnels vétérinaires en épidémiologie de terrain de la FAO lance sa quatrième édition en RDC  | FAO en République démocratique du Congo