Research & Extension

What is Research and Extension Branch?

The Research and Extension Branch (OEKR) focuses on strengthening political environment of member countries transforming agricultural innovation systems by enhancing national agriculture research institutions and rural extension and communication for development services through policy advice, technical support, projects/programmes, studies and workshops.

OEKR’s Vision is to be “recognized as a global leader in assisting member countries in developing inclusive agriculture innovation systems to achieve food and nutrition security and sustainable natural resource management.”

The Mission of OEKR is to contribute to the strengthening of inclusive agriculture innovation systems that respond to the needs of small producers by:

1) Providing policy advice to member countries and donors;
2) Promoting partnerships at all levels; and
3) Supporting capacity development for rural knowledge institutions and decision makers.

What is agriculture innovation in family farming?

New OEKR Brochure

Contact us

FAO - Research & Extension Branch
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Rome, Italy
[email protected]