Vías de la Sostenibilidad

Sainsbury's Zero Food-waste-to-landfill Policy

Tipo de pratica Recover
Nombre la actividad profesional Sainsbury's Zero Food-waste-to-landfill Policy
Nombre del agente principal Sainsbury's, UK
Tipo de agente(s) Empresa
Ubicación United Kingdom
Etapa de la puesta en práctica Venta al por menor
Año de puesta en práctica 2011
Actividades realizadas o en vías de realización By the end of 2011, Sainsbury's became the first supermarket in the UK to send all its food waste for anaerobic digestion (AD) – the process that decomposes food waste to release biogas which can then be used to produce electricity. Under the EU landfill directive, Britain is obliged to reduce the amount of biodegradable waste going to landfill to 50% of 1995 levels by 2013. Sainsbury's has invested in Tamar Energy Ltd., a new company focused on producing energy from organic waste matter.
Resultados y repercusiones All surplus food waste from stores is going to charities or AD plans to generate green energy.

http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2011/nov/17/sainsburys-zero-waste-landfill; http://www.j-sainsbury.co.uk/media/latest-stories/2012/20120222-sainsburys-backs-new-business-to-fuel-green-power/

