Vías de la Sostenibilidad

Rescuing Food for New York's Hungry

Tipo de pratica Reuse for food
Nombre la actividad profesional Rescuing Food for New York's Hungry
Nombre del agente principal City Harvest, New York
Tipo de agente(s) ONG
Ubicación United States of America
Etapa de la puesta en práctica Final de la vida útil
Año de puesta en práctica 1982
Actividades realizadas o en vías de realización City Harvest is the world's first food rescue organization, dedicated to feeding the New York's hungry men, women, and children. The organization collects excess food from all segments of the food industry, including restaurants, grocers, corporate cafeterias, manufacturers, and farms. This food is then delivered free of charge to community food programs throughout New York City by a fleet of trucks and bikes. City Harvest also runs cooking demos for those who regularly attend Mobile Markets, farmer’s market-style distributions of fresh produce held in high-need neighborhoods.
Resultados y repercusiones City Harvest has distributed more than 300 million pounds of food to a network of nearly 600 community food programs throughout New York City. The organization now delivers some 100,000 pounds of food daily and 33 million pounds in 2012 that otherwise would be waste—over 85% of it nutrient-dense produce, dairy, meat, helping over 300,000 hungry New Yorkers find their next meal. Picking up and delivering food the same day keeps costs down and allows to focus on fresh, perishable foods that are often in short supply at soup kitchens and food pantries. Currently, the cost to deliver a pound of food is just 27 cents, making City Harvest a smart, simple solution to ending hunger in New York City.


