Vías de la Sostenibilidad

Reducing Food Waste by Just In Time (JIT) Technique

Tipo de pratica Reduce, Reuse for food
Nombre la actividad profesional Reducing Food Waste by Just In Time (JIT) Technique
Nombre del agente principal California Baptist University’s food services provider
Tipo de agente(s) Servicios de comedores
Ubicación United States of America
Etapa de la puesta en práctica Consumo
Año de puesta en práctica 2010
Actividades realizadas o en vías de realización Provider Food Services have reduced the amount of food wasted on campus by cooking the food as the day goes on, which is also known as the just in time (JIT) technique. Provider recycles the leftover food by reusing it in many different recipes. Not only does Provider reuse food to reduce food waste, they also occasionally donate the extra leftovers, especially if they are deemed “edible but unservable.” The food may either be dried out or a bit overcooked, which isn’t considered presentable but is still completely edible.
Resultados y repercusiones Before implementing the project, the amount of wasted food was around 600 pounds at a single meal period. It was not reported yet by how much this was cut thanks to the JIT technique.
