Vías de la Sostenibilidad

Rock and Wrap It Up!

Tipo de pratica Reuse for food
Nombre la actividad profesional Rock and Wrap It Up!
Nombre del agente principal Rock and Wrap It Up! anti-poverty think tank, USA
Tipo de agente(s) ONG
Ubicación United States of America
Etapa de la puesta en práctica Consumo
Año de puesta en práctica 1991
Actividades realizadas o en vías de realización RWU began collecting leftover food in 1991 and was launched nationwide by MTV in 1994. The Rock and Wrap It Up! Program boxes up all prepared but untouched meals following rock concerts, sporting events and schools then delivers them to local food banks and charitable agencies. Rock and Wrap It Up! Generally, caterers prepare 10-15 percent more food than they need for an event, making for a lot of leftovers. RWU makes it simple and satisfying to donate the leftovers to charities, food banks and soup kitchens nearby. RWU provides language for bands, political figures, and sports teams to include in their contracts or permits with caterers. The language requires all leftover food to be donated to local soup kitchens: “All edible leftover food to go to local soup kitchens or shelters and Rock and Wrap It Up! will arrange for the recovery.” At the end of an event, RWU volunteers organize the safe recovery and delivery of edible leftover food.
Resultados y repercusiones Since its inception in 1991, Rock and Wrap It Up has: donated to over 43,000 shelters and places of need; collaborated with 60 sports franchises, 150 bands, and 200 schools; collected more than 250 million pounds of food; and fed more than 500 million people. Its partnerships include 150 music bands, 60 Professional Sports Franchises including the entire National Hockey league, Colleges like Columbia, UCLA, Univ. of Florida, Hotel chains including Marriott, Grand Hyatt, Sheraton, Film and television producers NBC/Universal and HBO.

http://www.epa.gov/epawaste/conserve/materials/organics/food/success/rockin.htm; http://www.rockandwrapitup.org/about-us/our-mission

