Vías de la Sostenibilidad

Home Composting Promotion in Kent County

Tipo de pratica Recycle
Nombre la actividad profesional Home Composting Promotion in Kent County
Nombre del agente principal Kent County Council
Tipo de agente(s) Autoridades públicas
Ubicación United Kingdom
Etapa de la puesta en práctica Final de la vida útil
Año de puesta en práctica 2003
Actividades realizadas o en vías de realización In 2006, over 800,000 tons of household waste had to be collected and disposed of in Kent. Over 30% of this resource was vegetable and garden material which could have been composted. 84% of properties was considered to have gardens. In 2003 the Kent council started to develop the basis of their waste strategy by establishing the Kent Waste Open Forum (KWOF). Several workshops and meeting were held to trace the general objectives and targets for waste management for the following 20 years. The initiative to start a home composting program was largely induced by the 1996 Landfill tax regulation. In 2003 the council of Kent received the total amount of 400,000 from DEFRA (UK Environmental administration) to fund the project: 230.000 Euro was addressed to promote home composting, 171.000 Euro to subsidise home compost bins to residents, and 57.000 Euro to promote the scheme. The home composting promotion is considered as one of the actions with the highest potential for waste minimisation. It is estimated that home composting can divert 150 kg/household/year. The population was made aware of the project by radio advertisers and road shows. A theatre group visited ten schools in each district in one week, in 2005, to promote an understanding of waste issues through drama. Schools were provided with compost bin and monitored regarding the implementation of composting activities. An exhibition unit visited all districts and boroughs, promoting home composting. Subsidized compost bins have been made available to Kent residents as from 2003. A network of Compost Advisors was established in 2001: the Compost Advisor Project appointed volunteers who advise people on composting issues and help promote the need for waste reduction. Also, during the project three official websites were promoted with local composting information.
Resultados y repercusiones 34% of the Kent residents carry out home composting, mostly garden waste (40%), but also food waste (35%). In 2008, 200 Compost advisors have been accredited, higher than the targeted 150. The theatre show for children’s was performed in 400 schools, reaching 36000 children. Nearly 70,000 composting bins have been sold. The annual financial benefits were estimated at 750.000 Euro in 2009/10 and could be up to 2 million Euros in 2019/20.
