Vías de la Sostenibilidad

Recycling Leftovers for Animal Feed

Tipo de pratica Reuse for feed
Nombre la actividad profesional Recycling Leftovers for Animal Feed
Nombre del agente principal Agri Gaia System Co., Japan
Tipo de agente(s) Empresa
Ubicación Japan
Etapa de la puesta en práctica Final de la vida útil
Año de puesta en práctica 2003
Actividades realizadas o en vías de realización Hiroyuki Yakou, a former garbage truck driver, became so frustrated with dumping loads of discarded food every day that he started a food recycling company, Agri Gaia System, Japan's largest maker of recycled animal feed. His drivers cart truckloads of rice balls, sandwiches and milk discarded by over 2000 7-Eleven stores to his factory on the outskirts of Tokyo, where the food scraps are turned into dry and liquid animal feed for pigs and chickens. The feed is not used for cattle or sheep because of strict health regulations that were imposed to prevent mad cow disease. Materials not suitable for animal feed are composted or processed into methane gas to be used as supplementary fuel for the mill.
Resultados y repercusiones The plant has a daily processing capacity of 255 tons; compared with a 200-ton-level incineration plant, which burnt the food waste before, the CO2 emission of the Agri Gaia System is one seventh.
