Vías de la Sostenibilidad

Integrated planning for agri-supply chain efficiency improvement

Tipo de pratica Reduce
Nombre la actividad profesional Integrated planning for agri-supply chain efficiency improvement
Nombre del agente principal The Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT
Tipo de agente(s) Agricultores, Autoridades públicas
Ubicación Tanzania
Etapa de la puesta en práctica Finca, Elaboración, Transporte
Año de puesta en práctica 2010
Actividades realizadas o en vías de realización The Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT) is an agricultural partnership designed to improve agricultural productivity, food security and livelihoods in Tanzania. Initiated at the World Economic Forum Africa Summit in May 2010, it then launched its SAGCOT Investment Blueprint, nationally by Prime Minister Pinda, in Dar el Salaam, and internationally by H.E. President Kikwete at the 2011 World Economic Forum in Davos. The Investment Blueprint showcases investment opportunities in the corridor and lays-out a framework of institutions and activities required to reap development potential.
Resultados y repercusiones SAGCOT has the potential to make a serious and significant impact by bringing together government, business, donor partners and the farming community to pool resources and work together towards a common goal. It is a comprehensive and inclusive initiative. By addressing the entire agricultural supply chain, the SAGCOT approach goes beyond raising agricultural productivity and ensures the necessary infrastructure, policy environment and access to knowledge to create an efficient, well-functioning agricultural supply chain. SAGCOT covers approximately one-third of mainland Tanzania, extending North and South of the central rail, road and power “backbone” that runs from Dar es Salaam to the Northern areas of Zambia and Malawi.