Vías de la Sostenibilidad

Retailers sizing the close to expiry date opportunity

Tipo de pratica Reduce
Nombre la actividad profesional Retailers sizing the close to expiry date opportunity
Nombre del agente principal Retailers
Tipo de agente(s) Empresa
Ubicación United States of America
Etapa de la puesta en práctica Venta al por menor
Año de puesta en práctica 2012
Actividades realizadas o en vías de realización Some American retailers have seen the potential economic opportunity of making the most of their products coming closer to their end dates and initiated operations such as: cooking fresh food close to their expiration date and selling them as already prepared meal such as roasted chicken; offering discounted prices on food close to their expiration date.
Resultados y repercusiones The popular California, grocery store Berkeley Bowl estimates it sells US$1 500 per day of produce off its bargain shelf, which offers bags of damaged or nearly expired produce for US$0.99.