Vías de la Sostenibilidad

Annakshetra Foundation redistributing surplus food among the needy

Tipo de pratica Reuse for food
Nombre la actividad profesional Annakshetra Foundation redistributing surplus food among the needy
Nombre del agente principal Annakshetra Foundation
Tipo de agente(s) Servicios de comedores
Ubicación India
Etapa de la puesta en práctica Consumo
Año de puesta en práctica 2011
Actividades realizadas o en vías de realización With an aim to minimize food wastage and redistribute the surplus to the impoverished sections of the society, Annakshetra Foundation was-set up in November 2010 in Jaipur. Within a short time, the foundation developed a network with over 1 500 hotels, marriage halls and other associations which provide surplus food to be redistributed in slums, orphanages and poor areas of the city. Once collected, the food is stored in the deep freezer and tested for nutrient value by experts. After being tested, it is distributed in slums and orphanages.
Resultados y repercusiones Since its inception, the organization has served or distributed spare food to 15 879 needy people in the city. The volunteers also make sure that they sit and eat with the beneficiaries. The foundation, following the success of its pilot project, is now planning to set up similar centers in Delhi, Mumbai and Vadodara.