Vías de la Sostenibilidad


“Wise Up on Waste” Toolkit

Type of practice: Reduce
Unilever Food Solutions & the Sustainable Restaurant Association

“Stop and Shop” saved US$100 million by reducing the amount of food displayed

Type of practice: Reduce
Stop and Shop/ Giant Landover

Zero Waste dinner at UNEP Headquarters

Type of practice: Reduce

Zero Waste by 2020 in San Francisco

Type of practice: Recycle
Department of Environment, San Francisco and Recology Inc.

Zero Waste Initiatives in Brewery

Type of practice: Recycle
Great Lakes Brewing Co., Cleveland

Zero Percent Market

Type of practice: Reuse for food
Zero Percent, USA

Waste turned into biogas for household

Type of practice: Recover
BIOTECH, agency of the Indian Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources in Kerala, South India

Walmart Zero Waste Program

Type of practice: Reuse for feed, Recycle, Recover

Urban Biogas System, Osaka City

Type of practice: Recover
Takenaka Corporation, Kobelco Eco-Solutions Co.,Ltd and Teral Inc.

Thornton’s Budgens food waste avoidance measures across the board

Type of practice: Reduce
Thornton’s Budgens
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