Vías de la Sostenibilidad


Last Minute Market

Type of practice: Reuse for food
Last Minute Market S.R.L., Italy

Inter-agency cooperation

Type of practice: Reduce
National authorities, retailers and wholesalers, researchers, municipalities, food companies, Swedish grocers federation, consumer organizations and Swedish waste management

Integrated planning for agri-supply chain efficiency improvement

Type of practice: Reduce
The Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT

Initiatives on Prevention of Food Waste in the Retail and Wholesale Trades

Type of practice: Reduce
the Nordic Council of Ministers

Improving access to retail with centralized dairy collection centers

Type of practice: Reduce
Japanese Government, Care International & USAID

Improvement of food storage facilities and promotion of the use of post-harvest technologies

Type of practice: Reduce
Gambia’s Departments of Agriculture and Energy

Improved rice bag protects stored rice from moisture, pests and rats and keeps rice seeds viable

Type of practice: Reduce
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)

Improved food industry processing

Type of practice: Reduce
Heinz & Musgrave-United Biscuits

Improved Cowpea Storage

Type of practice: Reduce
Purdue University, USA; World Vision and the National Institute for Agricultural Research of Niger (INRAN)

Home Composting Promotion in Kent County

Type of practice: Recycle
Kent County Council