Sustainability Pathways

Food and Drink Federation's Five-fold Environmental Ambition

Type of practice Reduce, Recycle, Recover
Name of practice Food and Drink Federation's Five-fold Environmental Ambition
Name of main actor Food and Drink Federation, UK
Type of actor(s) Company
Location United Kingdom
Stage of implementation Packaging
Year of implementation 2007
What was/is being done? FDF members have targets inter alia to: - Seek to send zero food and packaging waste to landfill at the latest by 2015; - Make a significant contribution to WRAP's Courtauld 2 target of reducing product and packaging waste in the supply chain by 5% by end of 2012 against a 2009 baseline; - Make a significant contribution to WRAP's work of reducing the carbon impact of packaging by 10% by 2012 against a 2009 baseline.
Outcomes and impacts A total of 21 FDF member companies have now signed up to Courtauld 2, a voluntary agreement launched in 2010, setting new and more challenging targets to reduce the impact of packaging and waste across the supply chain. WRAP's First Year Progress Report, covering achievements between 2009 (baseline) and 2010, shows that FDF member company signatories achieved an absolute reduction of 6.9% in supply chain waste arisings and 3.1% when changes in sales volumes are taken into account. Regarding the Courtauld 2 packaging target, WRAP's First Year Progress Report for the period 2009 (baseline) to 2010 shows that FDF member company signatories providing data for this period achieved an absolute reduction of 1.2% in carbon impact (22,600 tonnes CO2 equivalent). On a weight basis the WRAP results show that there has been an overall reduction of 6.9% (226,000 tonnes) in the weight of packaging; in comparison, the packaging of FDF signatories reduced by 2.7% (24,380 tonnes). FDF member case studies featured in the Five-fold Environmental Ambition Progress Report 2011: - Aunt Bessie's (part of the William Jackson Food Group) - Reduced food waste by 25% and increased recycling by 28%; - Bettys & Taylors Group - Bettys Bakery achieved zero food waste to landfill in 2011; - Macsween of Edinburgh - In 2010, Macsween piloted the recycling of waste and planed to make the company 'zero landfill' by the end of 2011; - Mars (Chocolate and Food) - Over 1200 tonnes of production waste has been diverted from landfill since 2010; - Nestlé UK & Ireland - Reduced total waste to landfill by 57% since 2008. Three Nestlé factories have achieved external verifi cation as sending zero waste to landfill.