Sustainability Pathways

Love Food Hate Waste

Type of practice Reduce
Name of practice Love Food Hate Waste
Name of main actor WRAP, UK
Type of actor(s) Company
Location United Kingdom
Stage of implementation Consumption
Year of implementation 2009
What was/is being done? WRAP was established as a not-for-profit company in 2000. Its two priorities are minimising resource use and diverting priority materials from landfill. An awareness campaign started in 2009 with the aim to raise awareness on the need to reduce food waste. It involves practical tips on how to reduce consumer and household food waste to achieve environmental and economic benefits.
Outcomes and impacts WRAP estimates that it has been instrumental in: helping the UK recycling and reprocessing sector to quadruple in size between 2000 and 2008; diverting 670,000 tonnes of food from landfill, saving consumers over USD 1 billion a year; and stopping the growth in household packaging waste. WRAP estimates that 1 tonne of food waste avoided equals to 4.5 tonnes of avoided emissions. This means that over 3 million tonnes of CO2eq emissions have been avoided between 2000 and 2008.
