Sustainability Pathways

Buon Fine (To a fair end)

Type of practice Reuse for food
Name of practice Buon Fine (To a fair end)
Name of main actor COOP
Type of actor(s) Company
Location Italy
Stage of implementation End-of-life
Year of implementation 2007
What was/is being done? Coop shops collect every day products which can no longer be sold, due to damaged packaging or an expiration date 2 days later. These products are given, on a daily basis, to not-for-profit organisations working with homeless, poor and disenfranchised youth populations.
Outcomes and impacts In late 2011, 'Boun Fine' was present in 10 hypermarkets and 20 supermarkets. These shops donated 275 tons of food in 2011, worth a monetary value of 1.55 million Euro.