Sustainability Pathways


Marche Food Bank ONLUS

Type of practice: Reuse for food
Food Bank Marche, Italy

Mayor obliges supermarkets to donate their food surplus

Type of practice: Reuse for food
Herstal Municipality

National Organic Waste Composting Strategy

Type of practice: Recycle
South Africa Government

National Pact against Food Waste

Type of practice: Reduce
Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l’Energie

No Food Left Behind

Type of practice: Reuse for food, USA

Opération "Familles-Témoins”

Type of practice: Reduce, Recycle
Symevad, France

PICS Bags to Reduce Food Losses

Type of practice: Reduce
Purdue University and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Pilot ‘Meat quality assessment'

Type of practice: Reduce
VanDrie Group, Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, and Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality