Les Chemins de la durabilité

Avoiding Food Wastage in Restaurants

Type de pratique Reduce
Nom de la pratique Avoiding Food Wastage in Restaurants
Nom de l’acteur principal Eurest, Sweden
Type d’acteur(s) Services alimentaires
Pays Sweden
Etape de mise en œuvre Consommation
Année de mise en œuvre 2009
Opérations déjà accomplies/en cours Eurest runs approximately 120 restaurants in Sweden serving a total of about 60,000 meals a day. During the fall of 2009 and spring of 2010 the company took a coordinated hold on the waste it generated. The project carried on for 6 months and focused on the following areas: Weighing waste and displaying the results: One day each month the food left by costumers, food wasted during cooking and discarded food was all weighed. The result was demonstrated to guests as well as staff under the heading “This is how much waste we all generate during one day”. The objective being to raise awareness about the quantities of waste that are created each day. During the project trainee programs on waste management and portioning were carried out. A knowledge bank with information on the negative climate impact of waste and waste guides available to the staff in several languages were created.
Résultats et impacts During the project, the restaurant chain reduced its food waste by 25 percent. The company was awarded the honour of most successful participant in the Business and industry category of the 2009 European Week for Waste Reduction. The weighing of waste continues. At some restaurants the number of waste calculations has even increased. Every month the quantities are reported to the company’s internal environment information.
Les source(s)
