Les Chemins de la durabilité

Against Hunger and Food Waste in Europe

Nom de la pratique Against Hunger and Food Waste in Europe
Nom de l’acteur principal European Federation of Food Banks
Type d’acteur(s) ONG
Pays France
Etape de mise en œuvre Fin de vie
Année de mise en œuvre 1986
Opérations déjà accomplies/en cours The European Federation of Food Banks (FEBA) brings together 247 food banks in 21 countries in Europe. Its goal is to give each person in Europe, access to a sufficient and balanced diet, through the fight against waste and call for solidarity. The Food Banks recover food from the food industry and retail stores, European and National food aid programs and from individuals, and redistribute it to the charitable organisations and social services who support the most deprived. Supplying management and food distribution are daily handled by more than 9 800 volunteers and 800 employees who work in the European food banks.
Résultats et impacts In 2011, 401 000 tons of food were distributed to 5.2 millions people in partnership with 31 000 charitable organisations and social services in Europe. More than half of the food collected came from the European programme of food aid for the most deprived, 18% from the food industry, 14% from the retail industry and 9% from individuals through national and local collections.

Fédération Européenne des Banques Alimentaires

53, avenue du Général Leclerc

92340 Bourg-la-Reine


Contact: Aude Alston

Phone: + 33 (0)1 45 36 05 45

Fax : + 33 (0)1 45 36 05 52

email : [email protected]