Les Chemins de la durabilité

Potato & Produce Project

Type de pratique Reuse for food
Nom de la pratique Potato & Produce Project
Nom de l’acteur principal Society of St. Andrew
Type d’acteur(s) ONG
Pays United States of America
Etape de mise en œuvre Fin de vie
Année de mise en œuvre 1983
Opérations déjà accomplies/en cours The Society of St. Andrew salvages tractor-trailer loads of potatoes and other produce that are rejected by commercial markets or potato chip factories due to slight imperfections in size, shape, sugar content, or surface blemishes. The food that the Society receives is donated. Usually, these rejected loads end up at local landfills. Through the project, the Society of St. Andrew is able to redirect fresh, nutritious produce to food banks, soup kitchens, Native American reservations, food pantries, low income housing areas, local churches, and other hunger agencies for distribution to the poor.
Résultats et impacts In 2010, the Society salvaged and distributed to America's hungry 28.1 million pounds of produce into 32 states through the Potato & Produce Project. Since 1983, 623 million pounds of produce were distributed.
Les source(s)


